Herman Law

Successful Resolution in Federal Healthcare Fraud Case

Wilkie Ferguson Federal Courthouse in Miami

Attorney Ron Herman secured a successful resolution for another business professional in a major federal healthcare case. Federal prosecutors accused multiple defendants of conspiring to commit certain financial crimes. Despite facing serious allegations, Ron successfully argued to distinguish the role of his client in the alleged conspiracy. The District Court Judge for the Southern District of Florida ended up granting the coveted downward variance, allowing the client to return to his home state of New York.

Thank you to my fellow attorneys and business leaders who continue to refer their friends and clients. It’s a great honor and responsibility to defend such hardworking white-collar professionals who get caught up in these complex regulatory schemes and end up facing serious charges.

Ron Herman

As Ron predicted, white-collar enforcement actions continue to trend upward. See what other industries are targeted and how to prepare in his published article discussed here.

About Us

Ron Herman is well-known in and out of the legal community as a skilled criminal litigator who is respected by judges, prosecutors, and community leaders. We are selective in the types of cases we represent, focusing on white collar offenses, such as patient brokering and healthcare fraudContact us to see how we can work together.  Call (855) 457-7214 or text 561-529-9734.