Herman Law

Ron Herman Attends Rotary Club Holiday Party and Continues Strong Support of Club Mission.

Ron Herman attended the Annual Holiday Party of the West Palm Beach Rotary Club and enjoyed spending the night with his fellow Rotarians, who all warmly welcomed him as a new member this year. Mr. Herman has already been very impressed by the commitment and collegiality of the other members and the strong leadership of the Club and has been actively involved on the Public Relations Commitee.

The night featured a silent auction and a live auction that demonstrated yet again the members’ generosity and enthusiasm in supporting their Club and its mission. The Rotary Club, which is part of Rotary International, promotes peace and goodwill, and organizes several service projects throughout the year. The Rotary Club meets once a week at the Kravis Center in downtown West Palm Beach, where top tier speakers, such as Mayor Jeri Muoio, educate and inform about current events and other issues of importance. Mr. Herman would like to extend an invitation to anyone interested in learning more about the Rotary Club, to attend as his guest at one of the weekly luncheon meetings. The Rotary Club is a fantastic organization of business professionals and community leaders, and Mr. Herman looks forward to being part of this dedicated group in the upcoming year and beyond. For more information, call 561.514.0415 or visit www.rhlawfl.com.