Herman Law

New Evidence in the Zimmerman Case

New evidence in the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman case seem to indicate that Martin did in fact have offensive injuries to his knuckles. According to the medical examiner’s report there were cuts and abrasions on Martin’s knuckles. If true, this would potentially support the defense’s claim that Zimmerman was being beaten when he shot Martin and bolster Zimmerman’s self-defense argument. While this case is politically charged, it is important to focus on the facts and not the hype. This was a tragedy and a young man lost his life; however, under the current “Stand Your Ground” law Zimmerman may have not committed a crime.

John S. Riordan and Ron D. Herman formed RIORDAN & HERMAN, PL., in 2005. Both attorneys are former Palm Beach County Prosecutors and have extensive trial experience. The firm handles criminal cases from DUI’s to Death penalty. Call for a free consultation.