As a former prosecutor in the elite Crimes Against Children Unit (Special Victims Unit or SVU) and now a respected defense lawyer, Ron Herman is frequently tapped for his legal analysis of complex issues in high profile cases. Below are most recent highlights of Ron’s national and local media interviews and publications.
Jury Fully Acquits Client in Patient Brokering Case
Very pleased to announce and congratulate Ron Herman for securing a complete acquittal for his client facing 25 patient brokering charges! Following an almost month-long trial, the jury returned not guilty verdicts on all charges. Ron’s client was facing 125 years and is thrilled to resume her life after fighting this case for years. From the Palm Beach Post Article covering this high profile case:
Ron Herman, an attorney who represented Muhammad, described the case against her as “fundamentally flawed . . . The government cannot explain why they believe Sarah Muhammad committed a crime or how she benefited in any way,” he said in his closing statement. After the verdicts were read, Muhammad walked out of the courtroom and embraced several family members. “Ms. Muhammad was looking forward to her day in court and we’re very pleased with the outcome,” Herman said.
Find out more about our experience defending these types of cases here.
Daily Business Review (2022)
The Daily Business Review published another article authored by Ron Herman. This one is titled White-Collar Enforcement: Predictions for 2022 . First, the Daily Business Review featured the article. The Review is an award-winning paper, read by professionals in the legal, financial services, real estate, and similar industries. Recognizing Ron’s helpful analysis of current healthcare enforcement trends, another publisher, BenefitsPRO, reprinted the article in its “Expert Opinion” section: “White-collar prosecution in 2022: Expect to see increased health care scrutiny.” BenefitsPRO is the leading resource for brokers and consultants. Read more here.
SunSentinel and Palm Beach Post (Sept. 2021)
Ron secured a favorable resolution for his client, a lab owner accused of patient brokering. The Palm Beach Post and SunSentinel covered this high profile case that started with a raid by the Palm Beach County Sober Homes Task Force. Ron’s skilled advocacy on behalf of his client allowed this hardworking businessman to put this incident behind him and to continue being a contributing member of the community.
SunSentinel (2021)
Ron was interviewed for a front page story by the South Florida Sun Sentinel reporter Marc Freeman about a major upcoming patient brokering trial. In the article titled “Drug recovery center CEO’s trial set to begin,” Ron describes some key questions jurors have to decide in these sober home cases.
The Palm Beach Post Interview (2020)
John Pacenti, a veteran investigative reporter for The Post interviewed Ron about the high profile Epstein sex case. “Jeffrey Epstein’s Victims Left ‘Empty-Handed’ Again by Ruling.”
WPTV Interview (2020)
WPTV interviewed Ron for its story “Controversial proposal to expand ‘stand your ground’ law could put undue burden on business owners.” Explaining the problem with allowing businesses owners to use lethal force, Ron said:

I think it puts [them] in a position to make a split-second decision that law enforcement officers have training and experience to make.
Ron Herman, WPTV Interview
Since then, the proposal was amended to remove this controversial provision.
Daily Business Review (2019)
Ron Herman’s analysis of the 2019 amendment to the Florida Patient Brokering Act was picked up and published by the Daily Business Review. The Daily Business Review is a respected media company, covering legal stories in South Florida.
The New York Times (2020 and 2019)
National and local reporters trust Ron to inform their audiences about high profile cases. As a seasoned jury trial lawyer, Ron knows how to connect with audiences and educate the readers about the criminal justice system. In March 2019, The New York Times reporter covering another high profile sex case from Palm Beach County was looking for a legal expert to interview. Click below to view the 2019 and 2020 New York Times articles quoting Ron.
2020 Interview: “Florida Court Will Hear Video Appeal in Robert Kraft Case”
2019 Interview: “Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Ramps Up His Defense”

CBS 12 Featured News Team Coverage (2019)

Click here to read the CBS 12 article.
Legal Minute
Featured on Legal Minute, provided legal commentary on a police investigation
Channel 5 News
Featured on Channel 5 News, providing commentary on sex offenses
Palm Beach Post
- Featured as a commentator in the article: Goodman-goes-on-trial-next-week-for-DUI-manslaughter
- Featured as a commentator in the article: Analysis: Is the case against John Goodman beatable?