Herman Law

Sex Offenses in West Palm Beach

West Palm Beach Sex Crimes Defense Attorney

Sex crimes are egregious offenses that are taken very seriously in Florida and a conviction can lead to severe penalties including imprisonment, probation and mandatory registration as a sex offender. Even if you are not convicted, the stigma of being accused of a sex crime can damage your reputation for years to come. When your freedom and good name are in jeopardy, having aggressive legal representation is crucial.

Herman Law, P.A., a premier criminal defense law firm conveniently located in West Palm Beach, routinely defends clients against Florida sex crimes charges. Guided by a principle that anyone accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty, we know how to protect your rights and clear your name. We leverage our in-depth knowledge of the applicable laws and extensive courtroom experience to provide each client with dedicated advocacy.

Florida Sex Crimes

Sex offenses can involve forced or nonconsensual sexual contact, or consensual acts such as prostitution and soliciting. In some cases, the crime may involve sexual contact (e.g. child pornography, indecent exposure). Our attorneys handle a wide range of misdemeanor and felony sex offenses, including:

Defenses to Sex Crime Charges in Florida

Because there are typically no witnesses to sex crimes other than the parties involved, convictions are often obtained based on the victim’s testimony and forensic evidence. Nonetheless, a number of defenses can be asserted against a sex crimes charge, such as:

South Florida Sex Crimes Defense Attorney

Ultimately, being accused of a sex crime is a serious matter and a conviction will follow you for the rest of your life, potentially making it difficult to find a job or a place to live. This is why you need an experienced criminal defense attorney in your corner fighting for your rights. At Herman Law, we have defended clients who were falsely accused of all types of sex crimes, including sexual assault and child sexual abuse.

Keenly aware that a conviction can dramatically impact your future, we will leverage our legal knowledge and trial skills to build the best line of defense. Although we typically work to win an acquittal, we will given you an honest assessment of the strength of the case against you. Depending on the circumstances, we may move to have the charges reduced. Above all, we will always put your best interests first and work to achieve the best possible outcome. Call our office today or complete the convenient online contact form to schedule a free consultation.

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