Herman Law

Violent Crime Defense in West Palm Beach

Are you facing a violent crime charge?

Despite being known as the “Sunshine State,” Florida experiences its share of violent crime which is vigorously prosecuted. A conviction carries serious penalties, including imprisonment, fines, and probation. More than this, having a permanent criminal record may tarnish your reputation and hinder future employment opportunities. When your freedom and good name are at stake, you need an aggressive criminal defense attorney in your corner.

Located in West Palm Beach, Herman Law, P.A., defends clients against violent crimes in state and federal court. We know how to build the best line of defense against such charges and will work tirelessly to protect your rights and your freedom.

What Is Considered a Violent Crime in Florida?

Our legal team routinely handles a wide range of violent crimes, such as:

Dangerous Weapons Enhancements in Florida

In Florida, there is a zero tolerance for the possession of a firearm during the commission of a violent crime. As such, the state’s laws contains mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines for felony offenses involving the use of a deadly weapon, such as murder, sexual battery, robbery, or assault and battery. In addition, Florida’s Habitual Offender Law allows the court to impose double the sentence on defendants who are convicted of a combination of two or more felonies.

Defenses to Violent Crimes

Although each case is unique, there are a number of defenses that can be asserted against a violent crimes charge, including:

West Palm Beach Violent Crimes Attorney

The experienced criminal defense attorneys at Herman Law know that the state and government vigorously prosecute violent crimes. Through our many years of practice, we have also seen how charges are often brought without sufficient evidence to support the allegations. We have the legal knowledge and skills to design an effective defense strategy.

By conducting a thorough investigation, examining all the evidence, and identifying and interviewing witnesses, we will work to secure your freedom. If necessary, we will work with our respected network of forensic and medical experts to challenge the validity of the evidence against you. Although we are committed to winning an acquittal, we will advise you of all your options and may recommend a plea bargain in exchange for a reduction of the charges.

Above all, we will always put your best interests first and provide you with aggressive legal representation. Call our office today or complete the convenient online contact form to schedule a free consultation.